Hi! This is a form you can use to submit events that will appear on calendars of (almost) all ITP first-years.
You can skip reading this section if you want.
This form is probably easier to fill out on desktop, but it works on mobile as well.
This is an unofficial form. It is currently maintained by Sean Zhu, just to see if this scales well. I'm open to transitioning it into having it be officially-maintained. Please let me know if you have ideas!
This currently only reaches first-years. We're not trying to exclude second years, the first years have not been in contact with enough second-years to know what's okay and what's spammy for everyone. If you're a second-year, please give us input about whether you'd like something like this too!
Please name a Discord channel that people can go to if they have questions about the event. (You can omit emojis from the channel name.)
Example: #tno
If the channel is not in the ITP/IMA Discord server, please paste a discord.gg inivite link. If you do this, make sure you've set the invite to not expire before the event starts.
Note that if many people have questions, this channel can get spammy, so pick a channel you don't mind getting spammed.
Alternatively (or in addition), paste the Discord handle of someone who can be DM'd for questions.
And the name of that person:
To copy your own Discord handle, go to the bottom-left corner of Discord, and click your handle, like this:
What is the name of this event?
When does this event start (in NY time)?
When does this event end, or how long does it last?
If there is a link for the event, link it here. If it was announced in Discord, you can copy the link to the Discord message and paste it here.
(Required for most events)
If the event has a Zoom link or something like that, please paste it below.
If the event is taking place in a Discord voice chat, you can name the channel below or paste a discord.gg invite link. If you do this, make sure you've set the invite to not expire before the event starts.
Please don't just paste a link here. Include all the details needed for people to decide whether to attend the event!
You don't need to repeat any of the info you've already given above, but if you do, that's okay too.
Almost done! Click here:
Thank you for providing those details.
Please do the following to "submit" the form:
Thank you!